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 Holistic Personal Injury Program

& Pain Management

There are many, many options for health care and pain management these days. With the different health studies and dietary fads that come and go it is difficult to know exactly what needs to be done to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Q Functional Medicine Clinic, our doctor uses "Holistic Approach" to treat aches and chronic pain without the need for surgery while also understanding the importance of exercise and nutrition. There is a balance that is needed to insure a healthy lifestyle and a long lasting high quality of life. The doctor at Q Functional Medicine Clinic understand this and work well with patients to achieve these goals and offer continuing care to insure long-term health and wellbeing. 

Types of Pain~

Pain can come in many shapes and forms. There is acute pain which is sudden and onset, perhaps the result of an accident or some type of injury. Sometimes even bending or twisting the wrong way can bring on sudden acute pain. There is also pain that may have been with you for a long period, perhaps increasing with intensity with time. It could have started out with a small achy feeling and then culminated into something which is now constantly nagging or even unbearable.

Natural Pain Management~

At QFMC, Dr. Lee, utilizes various chiropractic techniques to provide you with pain management that does not involve copious amounts of prescription and OTC pain or anti-inflammatory medications. Instead, he treats your pain at the source. As your injuries heal, you will notice a reduction in your pain and a reduced need for pain medications.


Dr. Lee's skilled diagnosis, followed by gentle, precise chiropractic care, are usually the first steps. He spend all the time necessary getting to know your health concerns. He also work with Medical Doctor (MD) in order to provide a tailored approach to your pain management needs. He treats your pain at the source. As your injuries heal, you will notice a reduction in your pain and a reduced need for pain medications. 


If you are struggling with pain or injury, you can benefit from our non-invasive chiropractic approach and healing methods. Because these methods are natural and stimulate your body’s own innate healing mechanisms, they can help a wide variety of people without the risks of side effects that may come with pain management through medication. And instead of just covering up the pain, we help your body move beyond pain by helping it heal itself.

Diagnosing the Causes of Your Pain~

At QFMC, treatment starts with an initial evaluation. Instead of masking your symptoms with OTC and prescription medications, Dr. Lee strives to diagnose the injuries and ailments that are causing your pain. This involves asking you about your pain, how long you have had it and if any activities decrease or increase your pain. A physical examination is performed, and depending on the finding, we may ask for digital images in order to get a better look at your injuries. QFMC also provide onsite X-ray service, if you don't have one. Once Dr. Lee have all the information, he will make a diagnosis and create a custom chiropractic program for you.

Getting Back from Personal Injury

If you suffer a personal injury, you can be sidelined for weeks or months in recovery. Not only can this have devastating financial consequences, it can leave you with mental and emotional anguish. When you are trying to get back to full health after an injury, you need a dedicated wellness specialist on your side. Our staff at Q Functional Medicine Clinic is here to help you heal from personal injuries like slip and falls, strains, sprains, sports injuries, lifting injuries, and more.

So How Does a Holistic Practitioner Address the Pain

 Holistic Chiropractor at QFMC use different techniques to address the different types of pains and aches of the body. These consist of the following:

  • Stress

  • Nutrition

  • Toxicity

  • Allergy

  • Physiology

  • Emotion

Chiropractic Treatment Plan

At Q Functional Medicine Clinic, Dr .Lee use certain steps for support:


  • First, steps are taken to regain normal flexibility and range of motion along with strength. A wonderful effect of this is comfort at night and better rest and sleep. Along with this, being able to start a nutritional program and exercise regimen increases health and lifestyle immensely.

  • Secondly, muscles and tissues are allowed to heal more properly and fully. This helps maintain consciousness of health while feeling well, and not only while problems are presented.

  • With the full holistic approach that is being embraced in Q Functional Medicine Clinic, it is possible to cure aches and pains and then keep going for long-term health benefits and a longer lasting active lifestyle that so many long for.

  • Lastly, the body is strengthened and restored and then made stronger than before with holistic chiropractic treatment along with scientifically designed nutrition, based on exactly what is needed.

  • Amazingly this is possible without invasive treatment, just the know-how and touch of a chiropractor.

Individualized Treatment Programs

When you come into our chiropractic office for relief from your chronic or acute pain, you can expect an individualized treatment program that addresses your specific pain and injuries. Treatment programs vary in length and duration.  In general, most individuals feel better after the first few sessions, but it may take several weeks before you noticed a significant improvement. Our mission is to restore your health from the roots, in the most non-invasive and natural way. We strive to restore optimum health through proper education on healthy lifestyle choices and modifications, increased performance and human potential. A chiropractic program for each patient is different from one another depending on the needs of the patient.

The Care You Deserve

Chiropractic care at Q Functional Medicine Clinic is considered as one of the best holistic approach in alternative medicine. This is primarily because the physical, emotional, mental and physiological condition of the patient is taken into account. The causative factor is determined to formulate the most appropriate chiropractic program for each patient.

Excellent Service and Patient Care is our GOAL!

Q Functional Medicine Clinic helped thousands of people like you find lasting relief from the acute and chronic pain of injury. Because we screen every patient and develop a personalized treatment plan, we offer truly individualized healing. Let us help you recover from your auto injury or personal injury today. If you have any further questions about our personal injury chiropractic care or would like to schedule an appointment, feel free to call 972-907-8500 today.

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Q Functional Medicine Clinic


"Linking Natural Medicine Based on Science"

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